
Review Scrapper By Django

 Review Scrapper project by Django Hello everyone in this blog we learn how to make a full fledge python project "Review Scrapper by Django" in Pycharm . We also use Django framework for doing some backend work. 0th Steps: Install Pycharm and create virtual environment by using Pycharm. For installing kindly refer my Pycharm Guide blog. Here is the link  1st steps: Install Django in your virtual environment and Create new project. Firstly activate your virtual environment in your Anaconda command prompt .By using command: conda activate env_name Navigate directory where you want to save your project.By using  cmd directory_name  Now install Django in your virtual environment :   pip install Django We are now ready to create our first Django project : django-admin startproject project_name In single project contain different app. Ex store/login/update and many more.It is recommended to seperate different app. For Creating New app: python startapp app_name Now We comp

Top Best books for AI(Artificial Intelligence)

                    Top Best books for AI   What is AI? Artificial intelligence has been the stuff of mad dreams, and sometimes nightmares, throughout our collective history. We've come a long way from a  15th-century  automaton knight  crafted by Leonardo da Vinci. Within the past century, artificial intelligence has inched itself further into our realities and day to day lives and there is now no doubt we're entering into a new age of intelligence. I n  computer science ,  artificial intelligence  ( AI ), sometimes called  machine intelligence , is  intelligence  demonstrated by  machines , in contrast to the  natural intelligence  displayed by  humans  and  animals . Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of " intelligent agents ": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. [1]  Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to de


TOP  5  PROGRAMMING   LANGUAGE FOR   AI  AND  ML  In computer science ,artificial intelligence (AI),sometimes called machine intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machine in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals .Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of "intelligent agents". How ML,AI & Deep learning related to each other. This is "how these terms are related to each other ".This was a big topic of discussion .So,we cover it later. Let see some feature of Ml Top programming languages that use in industries for AI & ML. 1:PYTHON First main reason that it was easy to learn,easy syntax as compare to c++ ,java,lot of farmework and libraries are available . That's why python is more popular than other languages. WHY IT IS USED Python is use for general as well as for development of standard application. The main use in this time is in the field of AI & Ml com