Review Scrapper By Django

 Review Scrapper project by Django

Hello everyone in this blog we learn how to make a full fledge python project "Review Scrapper by Django" in Pycharm .

We also use Django framework for doing some backend work.

0th Steps: Install Pycharm and create virtual environment by using Pycharm.

For installing kindly refer my Pycharm Guide blog. Here is the link 

1st steps: Install Django in your virtual environment and Create new project.

Firstly activate your virtual environment in your Anaconda command prompt .By using command:

conda activate env_name

Navigate directory where you want to save your project.By using 

cmd directory_name 

Now install Django in your virtual environment :
pip install Django

We are now ready to create our first Django project :

django-admin startproject project_name

In single project contain different app. Ex store/login/update and many more.It is recommended to seperate different app.

For Creating New app:
python startapp app_name

Now We complete our Installation and Creating new project part. One last step for running our Django project .For this we use :
python runserver

After completing all these step you will see these much file are automatically created in your project except Procfile  and requirements,txt these will be discuss later.

Here DjangoReview_scrapper is main project inside this ReviewScrapper is small app inside it.

2nd Step: Creating file and add ReviewScrapper(mini app) url in main project file.

Now Open DjangoReview_scrapper / file and add Reviewscrapper urls file:

Here we add urls file of ReviewScrapper in DjangoReview_scrapper/ file by using include.
But We don't have file .So, Now we create file inside ReviewScrapper app and add some urls of home, about page and scrap page.
scrap page where we see the output.

Now we add the configuration of our app in ReviewScrapper/ :

3rd Step: Coding part where we write some some to extract review from flipkart site.

In this part we us beautifulscoup library . So, For some basics of beautifulscoup library .Kindly refer its documantion by    Clicking Here .

In Django We write all coding stuff in file. 

Code is not very much difficult you can easily understand it. After reading documentation of Beautifulscoup library.

All lines which is little bit tricky comment are also added on it .If you face any problem in this section kindly ping me on comment section and line number.

4th Step :Little bit Html and CSS templates to display our output.

For adding Html and CSS templates in our Django project. We use template inheritance concepts .

Template inheritance. The most powerful – and thus the most complex – part of Django's template engine is template inheritanceTemplate inheritance allows you to build a base “skeleton” template that contains all the common elements of your site and defines blocks that child templates can override.

For adding Html we make a directory name of templates/ReviewScrapper inside it we add base page, home page, about page and result page.

base page is our base template of all html pages :

Here we also use bootstrap . Basic bootstrap you can learn from its documentation. 

Now, We make home page using HTML:

Now About page :

At last we add result page:

Now Only one thing is left only apply css on our HTML pages .For applying CSS same we use template inheritance and outside styling .When you see any HTML page closely you see that .At every page {% load static %} it load our CSS on every HTML page.

For CSS styling we make a directory inside ReviewScrapper app name as static.
             File Structure  :  ReviewScrapper/static/ReviewScrapper/static.css

                       Heyy!! Now we are ready to launch our project .Are you excited !!

Output: For output run command " python runserver " .Now our project is running in our localhost ""

Now You can search anything its your choice. 

                                          I think you learned  something new in this blog .
                                                                 I hope it helps you.
                                                                        Thanks you.
                                                                  Happy Learning!!!


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